General HR Questions
ممكن يكونوا أصعب أو (أثقل) أسئلة
هتقابلها في الانترفيو لأنه الأسئلة بتخاطب الوعي واللاوعي عندك وبيستنتج
منها شخصيتك، بس في الأول وفي الآخر دي أسئلة عادية جاوبها باتقان وبصدق ..
اوعي تحاول تتذاكي علي HR [عن تجربة]
1. Tell us a little bit about yourself.
2. What are your greatest strengths ؟
3. What are your greatest weaknesses ؟
4. What do you like about your current job or what did you like about your last job ؟
5. Give us an example of when you handled a stressful situation.
6. Give us an example of one of the toughest problems you had to face, and how did you deal with it ؟
7. Why do you think you should get this position ؟
8. Do you think you are the best person for this job? If so, why ؟
9. Why did you apply for this position ؟
10. Why did you apply for a position with our company and what do you know about us ؟
11. Why should we hire you ؟
12. Tell us about your short and long term goals ؟
13. Where do you see yourself five years from now ؟
14. Please explain, what does customer service mean to you ؟
15. What does being a team player mean to you ؟
16. Give us an example of how you handled a conflict with another employee ؟
17. What are your salary expectations ؟
18. What would you consider your most important accomplishment ؟
19. How would you define success ؟
20. At your last review, what improvements did your manager suggest you make ؟
21. What would your coworkers say about you ؟
Say Thanks To iTawy ,,,
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